You are running one of the GRC synchronization jobs, for instance, GRAC_SPM_LOG_SYNC_UPDATE job. As soon as it starts, it fails with the error "Selection criterion "Connector" contains multiple selection lines". The program is running with a variant (created via SE38) with only one connector maintained.
SAP GRC Access Control 10.0
SAP GRC Access Control 10.1
Selection criterion "Connector" contains multiple selection lines variant attribute connector sm37 sm36 grac_spm_log_sync_update grc job grac job synchronization job synch job sync job step , KBA , GRC-SAC-EAM , Emergency Access Management , GRC-SAC-ARQ , Access Request , GRC-SAC-BRM , Business Role Management , GRC-ACP , GRC Access Control Plug-In , How To
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