Ad Hoc Report is returning BOOLEAN “Yes/No” values in English for non-English languages. It is expected that the report will return the text “Yes” or “No” in the relevant language selected in Options > Change Language.
Employee Central, Locale.
Reproducing the Issue
1) Go to Analytics > Reporting > create a new Person and Employment (as of date) report.
2) Columns = add the “Is Full Time Employee” field from Job Information column set.
3) Run the report in different languages:
Set UI language to English =
Set UI language to Russian =
Set UI language to Finnish =
The translation of boolean fields in Adhoc Reports are currently not supported.
You can log an enhancement request with product management.
See Also
Ad Hoc Reporting, Yes/No values, English, Non-English, Dashboard , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-REP , Reporting Data (EC core only) , Problem