- Union or Join is used in a CDS view with annotation @Analytics.query:true. Hit activation error: 'CDS Feature Union not supported for BW Query'
- Association is added in a CDS view with annotation @Analytics.query:true. Hit activation error: 'CDS local associations not allowed (when @Analytics.query: true)'
- Create an extend view for a CDS view with annotation @Analytics.query:true to add addtional elements into the CDS query. Hit various activation errors like: 'CDS local associations not allowed (when @Analytics.query: true)' or ' xxx is not a numeric value' or '_xxx: has unsupported path entry type [Analytics]'
- In a CDS view, UNION two tables. Instead of get all data records back and aggregate the values in the query result, only distinct values are returned without aggregation.
- A CDS view contains join (or association) on fields with alpha conversion. It gets wrong query result.
- A CDS query gets wrong decimal in query result for currencies that are not 2 decimila, such as JPY, HUF, CLP..., etc.
BW 7.50 SP4 or BW 7.51 SP2 above
SAP BW/4HANA 1.0 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.5 ; SAP S/4HANA 1610
2C , KBA , BW-BEX-OT-ODP , Query Runtime for Operational Data Provisioning , How To
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