The loading of Webgui is not successful, "Please wait..." message might be displayed.
In the HTTPWatch trace it is visible, that it is not a general kernel extraction issue which is described in KBA 1651937 because the ITS related mime (js) files are loaded correctly (HTTP 200):
There are two HTTP 404 errors:
- /sap/public/icmandir/its/ls/theming/sap_corbu/standard.css
- /sap/public/bc/its/img/splashscreen.png
Internet Transaction Server (ITS)
SAP GUI for HTML (Webgui)
SAP NetWeaver 7.50 and 7.51
freezing , not loading , please wait , http 404 , Application Server Error , kernel bug , error, handler , menu , upgrade , update , image , stuck , not loading , load , freez , freeze , javascript , HTTP/1.1 404 Resource Not Found , Resource does not exist , FILE_ACCESS , KBA , BC-FES-ITS , SAP Internet Transaction Server , BC-FES-WGU , SAP GUI for HTML , Problem
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