- While testing emergency work order push functionality, during debugging the found the following error "/SYCLO/CX_CORE_PUSH_REGISTER:Failed to get new record id. Check number rnage /SYCLO/C_2"
- /syclo/psh01 and /syclo/psh02 tables entries are not created.
- Also in the Syclo admin and monitoring panel the user finds 6 different errors:
- Number Range for /syclo/c_2 interval 01 push Instance Record id - Missing
- Number Range for /syclo/c_2 interval 02 sytem statistic record id - missing
- Number Range for /syclo/c_2 interval 03 mobile transaction history record id - missing
- number range for /syclo/c_2 interval 03 mobile transaction history record id - missing
- Number range for /smfnd/ds1 interval 01 data store record id
- number range for /smfnd/iq1 interval 01 inbound transaction record id - missing
SAP Work Manager version 6.4
SAP Work Manager 6.4
SNRO, syclo, Agentry, SMERP, SMFND, mobile addon, Work Maanger, workmanager, push, CX_CORE_PUSH_REGISTER, configpanel , KBA , MOB-SYC-SAP , Syclo Mobility for SAP backend , Problem
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