Error during SUM with DMO phase RUN_RSPTBFIL_PRPMIG
----------------------------------------Batchjob RSPTBFIL failed.Detected the following errors:
# /path/to/SUM/abap/log/RSPTBPRPMIG.<SID>:
4 ETG011 "Create column PRPMIG"
4 ETG011 "Setting Clone flag for tables known in PUTTB"
4 ETG012 "Number of tables found:" "55509"
4 ETG012 "View will be created during MVNTAB_UPG:" "/1BS/SADL_CDS"
4 ETG012 "View will be created during MVNTAB_UPG:" "/1BS/SADL_V_NAM2"
2EETG012 "Table neither in DBDIFF nor nametab exists:" "/BI0/D0RSTT_C067"
- BW System
- SUM with DMO
SAP NetWeaver all versions
BW DMO, MAIN_SHDIMP, SUBMOD_MIG_SETUP, MAIN_SHDIMP/SUBMOD_MIG_SETUP/RUN_RSPTBFIL_PRPMIG, BW upgrade, Dimension Table, Dim Table, , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , BW-BCT-TCT , BW Only - Technical Content and BW Administration Cockpit , BC-UPG-SLM , Software Lifecycle Manager , Problem
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