HTTP/HTTPS/SMTP (<1024) services can't be started though parameter is defined as:
icm/server_port_<nr> = PROT=<protocol>, PORT=<port_nr <1024>, EXTBIND=1
- in the dev_icm / dev_webdisp trace file the following entries appear:
*** ERROR => IcmBndVersionCheck: <error text>
*** ERROR => IcmStartIcmBnd: ExecRunPrg failed (rc=-14) for service: <port_nr> (1) [icxxextbnd.c 1256]
*** WARNING => IcmAddService: Could not start service (rc=-1) PORT=<nr>,PROT=<prot>,TIMEOUT=<nr>,PROCTIMEOUT=<nr>,EXTBIND=1 [icxxserv.c 1375]
***LOG IM4=> IcmAddService, (<port_nr>&<protocol>&) [icxxserv.c 1391] - *** ERROR => IcmBindService: IcmBndVersionCheck() failed: Internal ICM error (-1); check and update /usr/sap/<SID>/<Instance no.>/exe/icmbnd; see SAP Note 421359 for details [icxxserv.c 4148]
The "<error text>" above can be either:
- "Could not access file <file_path>/icmbnd: No such file or directory"; or
- "icmbnd version string not found. Expected: <version>"
- SAP NetWeaver
- UNIX platforms
SAP NetWeaver all versions
icmbnd, IcmBndVersionCheck, IcmStartIcmBnd, IcmAddService , KBA , BC-CST-IC , Internet Communication Manager , BC-CST-WDP , Web Dispatcher , Problem
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