Customer is trying to import Background information with date prior 01/01/1900
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Import Extended user information and select background information
- Select your csv file with a date prior to year 1900
- The system is not saving information (give an error invalid StartDate)
- NOTE: It is saving correctly on People profile or Employee profile page.
This is an expected behavior, there is no date validation on UI, you could save date like 1897/01/01.
However, there is date validation on importing background. Year before 1900 is not allowed.
Please validate that this enhancement request is still important to you, and if so, submit your enhancement request in the Customer Community under the link below:
Please note that the support teams does not have the ability to process or affect future product feature enhancements and the Product Managers do not monitor support incidents, but rather they look at our Customer Community.
See Also
KBA , LOD-SF-EP-BGD , Background Elements , Problem