When downgrading SAP ASE 16.0 SP03 PL0x to SAP ASE 16.0 SP0x PL0x
- ASE reports messages about SP03 configuration parameters still being present in SP0x configuration file after downgrade
- Mostly, these messages are spurious.
- When checking the config file post-downgrade, these parameters are not present.
- In a small number of cases, the post-downgrade config file did show the (now invalid) SP03 lines.
- ASE log records include message like below (line numbers can vary):
Warning: Unknown parameter ' enable buffered io for load = DEFAULT ' found on line '16' of configuration file '/sybase/ASE-16_0/SP03_PL01.cfg'.
This parameter is ignored. Edit the configuration file to remove or correct this parameter.
Warning: Unknown parameter ' HCB index memory pool size = DEFAULT ' (further text truncated for clarity)
Warning: Unknown parameter ' enable HCB index = DEFAULT '
Warning: Unknown parameter ' HCB index auto tuning = DEFAULT '
Warning: Unknown parameter ' HCB index tuning interval = DEFAULT '
Warning: Unknown parameter ' point query rate threshold = DEFAULT '
Warning: Unknown parameter ' hash table hit rate threshold = DEFAULT '
Warning: Unknown parameter ' job scheduler memory = DEFAULT '
Warning: Unknown parameter ' rules file = DEFAULT '
Configuration Error: Configuration file ' auto tune rule history depth = DEFAULT' has an unknown format
Warning: Unknown parameter ' enable in-memory row storage = DEFAULT '
Warning: Unknown parameter ' enable AQT compatibility mode = DEFAULT '
Warning: Unknown parameter ' number of reexecutions = DEFAULT '
Warning: Unknown parameter ' extend implicit conversion = DEFAULT '
Warning: Unknown parameter ' inline table functions = DEFAULT '
Warning: Unknown parameter ' number of hcb gc tasks per db = DEFAULT '
Warning: Unknown parameter ' imrs cache utilization = DEFAULT '
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0
CR811498, CR#811498, 811498, removed, corrected , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Bug Filed
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