SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2554163 - Pagination is not working for SF API with $skip and $top parameters


Pagination is not working for SF API with $skip and $top parameters


SuccessFactors Learning Management System (LMS) - All Supported Versions


As per API document (Learning OData API Reference, Document Version Q3-2016 Sept 2, Page 57) mentioned below, Pagination will work for SF APIs with $skip and $top parameters. We have tested the same with one API but it looks like it is not working as expected. These parameters are getting ignored and we get same result count for every request.

The call being made is

GET /learning/odatav4/public/user/learningPlan/v1/UserTodoLearningItems
?$filter=criteria/maxRowNum eq 10 and
criteria/retrieveLinkedSchedules eq 'true' and
criteria/includeVLSlink eq true and
criteria/includeSurveys eq true


Unlike other sample calls, we include MaxRowNum as a criteria because it is a special case.

Unlike other OData services that page with the $top, $skip, and $count parameters, this service uses MaxRowSize. We strongly recommend that you limit your calls to a reasonable size of rows.

See Also

Page 292 -


API, Pagination, $top, $Skip , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-ODA , Web Services OData , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core 1708