SAP Administrators needs a report to check or audit security activities, get active user IDs list, roles, profiles, see change documents and other details in the SRM system.
- SAP Supplier Relationship Management 5.0 or higher
- SAP enhancement package for SAP Supplier Relationship Management
suim, log, logs, sap user information system, transaction, modify, modified, changed, change, lock, locked, add, added, remove, removed, roles, role, profile, security activities, audit, change documents, tx, sap, srm, ebp, users, ppoma_bbp, su01, activate, track, comparisons, administrator, authorization objects, date, password, critical, last change, values, name, address, contract, purchase order, po, rfx, rfx response, bid, shopping cart, cart, invoice, confirmation, auction , KBA , SRM-EBP-ADM-USR , User Administration , SRM-EBP-SHP , Shopping Cart , SRM-EBP-POR , Local Purchase Order , SRM-EBP-BID , Bid Invitation , SRM-EBP-QUO , Quotation, Bid , SRM-EBP-CON , Contract Management , SRM-EBP-PD , Procurement Document Methods , SRM-EBP-WFL , Workflow , SRM-EBP-CGS , Confirmation Goods/Services , SRM-EBP-ADM-ORG , Organizational Management , BC-SEC-AUT-PFC , ABAP Authorization and Role Administration , Problem
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