During Software Update Manager(SUM) execution on phase RUN_FDCS_SEGMENT batch jobs are aborted, the following error is shown in the FDC.ELG log file:
A4 ESCRR_FDC 808 Load metadata class "CL_FDC_METADATA_C2S"
A4 ESUPG 210 Table delta for "RFCATTRIB" not found
A2EESUPG 234 Table "RFCATTRIB" is inconsistent in key information NT <-> DB
A2EESUPG 007 Unable to determine the table delta between "RFCATTRIB" and "RFCATTRIB"
A2EESCRR_FDC 080 Analyzer error: could not determine algorithm for table "RFCATTRIB"
A2EESCRR 143 Process "1" aborted
Verifying DB02, looking for "Missing tables and Indexes" there are missing indexes in the database
Going to SE14 and performing a Consistency Check for the tables shown in the FDC.ELG log file, the error about the missing indexes is shown.
- SAP ERP 6.0
- Software Update Manager(SUM)
Parallel batch process, CRR_OPERATION, SUBMOD_FDC_RUN2, MAIN_SHDRUN , KBA , BC-UPG-PRP , Upgrade Preparation , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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