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2555931 - Core service [tc~je~dbcontainer~srv] fails to start - Java node terminates with exit code 2150


During an upgrade, AS Java does not start. The following log entries can be found:

  • in dev_server log file:

F [Thr 924] *** LOG => SfCJavaVm: exit hook is called. (rc = 2150)
F ********************************************************************************
F *** ERROR => Java node 'server0' terminated with exit code 2150.
F ***
F *** Please see section 'Java program exit codes'
F *** in SAP Note 1316652 for additional information and trouble shooting advice.
F ********************************************************************************
F [Thr 924] *** LOG => exiting (exitcode 2150, retcode 1).

  • in std_server log file:

Service [tc~je~dbcontainer~srv] start ================= ERROR =================
   CSN Component [BC-JAS-DPL], DC Name [] [ERROR CODE DPL.DBC.101] failed to look up default datasource jdbc/notx/SAP/BC_DBCONTAINER, caused by javax.naming.NamingException: Exception during lookup operation of object with name jdbc/notx/SAP/BC_DBCONTAINER, cannot resolve object reference. [Root exception is ConnectionFactory "SAPPOPDB" does not exist. Possible reasons: the adapter in which ConnectionFactory "SAP<SID>DB" is defined is not deployed or not started.].
 Caused by: javax.naming.NamingException: Exception during lookup operation of object with name jdbc/notx/SAP/BC_DBCONTAINER, cannot resolve object reference. [Root exception is ConnectionFactory "SAP<SID>DB" does not exist. Possible reasons: the adapter in which ConnectionFactory "SAP<SID>DB" is defined is not deployed or not started.]
 Caused by: ConnectionFactory "SAP<SID>DB" does not exist. Possible reasons: the adapter in which ConnectionFactory "SAP<SID>DB" is defined is not deployed or not started.



SAP NetWeaver 7.1
SAP NetWeaver 7.2
SAP NetWeaver 7.3
SAP NetWeaver 7.3 EHP1
SAP NetWeaver 7.4
SAP NetWeaver 7.5


SAP NetWeaver 7.1 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.2 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.3 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.4 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.5 ; SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.3


BaseResourceException, ConnectionFactory, ServiceException, dplool,, tc~je~dbcontainer~srv, 2150, exitcode 2150, terminated with exit code 2150, configtool, config tool, NZDM, sysDS-dataSourceName, tc~lm~nzdm~crrsrv, sys.DS.additionalProperties, [tc~je~dbcontainer~srv] , KBA , BC-JAS-TRH , Transactions and Resource Handling , BC-JAS-COR , Enterprise Runtime, Core J2EE Framework , BC-UPG-TLS-TLJ , Upgrade tools for Java , BC-JAS-SF , Startup Framework , BC-JAS-ADM-ADM , Administration , Problem

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