When you want to create a new case in transactions NV2001 or NP10 the system does not allow it by sending one of the following messages:
N1543 Create inpatient case: An open inpatient case already exists: Case &1 &2
N1544 Create outpatient case: An open inpatient case already exists: Case &1 &2
N1545 Create outpatient case: An open outpatient case exists on &3: &1 &2
N1546 Create inpatient case: An open outpatient case exists on &3: &1 &2
N1826 Save inpatient case: open inpatient case already exists: case &1 &2
N1827 Save outpatient case: open inpatient case exists: case &1 &2
N1828 Save outpatient case: open outpatient case exists on &3: &1 &2
N1829 Save inpatient case: open outpatient case exists on &3: &1 &2
- Industry Solution Hospital (IS-H) / Branchenlösung Krankenhaus
All releases / releaseunabhängig
SAP ERP all versions
Anlegen stationärer Fall: Offener stat. Fall schon vorhanden , KBA , IS-H-PM-GEN , General Case Processing , IS-H , Hospital , How To
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