When launching SCORM 2004 4th Ed, the page only says 'Loading Course Data'.
Successfactors Learning Management System (LMS)
Reproducing the Issue
Run the affected course from user's learning plan.
The launch method was not set correctly.
1. Make sure to have the content zip file from the customer.
2. Check on the imsmanifest.xml file and verify the schema version.
3. Once verified, go to Content> Content Objects and search for the object id.
4. Go to Launch Method and select
5. You would also need to modify the item associated to the content to have the course reassigned to the users if needed.
Scorm 2004 4th Edition 4th edition Scorm 2004 Loading course data cannot play Scorm 2004 , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-CNT , Content , LOD-SF-LMS-ADM , System Admin, Global Variables, References , Problem