- The Installed Software Component Versions and Installed Product Versions in an ABAP system can be found in system status, as shown below.
You may find the following mismatches between them:
- Addon components are installed, but the relevant products details are missing.
- The product is listed, but the component list is incomplete.
- Components from higher SP Stack(SPS) level is installed, but the SPS level of the relevant product is still with lower value.
- SPS level of the product is higher, but components belong to the product still with older SP level.
- After upgrade to the same SPS level of some certain product, addons belong to the product shows different SP level.
SAP ABAP systems
Software Component Versions, Installed Product Versions, SUM, SPAM, SAINT, usage type, product instance, SPS, support package stack, Addon component, BIND_PATCH, HR, SAP_HR, EA-HR, Uninstall, uninstallation, wrong, incorrect, missing, bad, misinformation, maintenance planner, CISI, different version, divergent SP stack, different, Stack.xml, Software Update Manager, missing, mismatch, patch, support package , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , BC-UPG-OCS-SPA , Support package tools for ABAP , Problem
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