While changing the "Not-for-Credit Status" of Substitute Item to blank we are get the below error
SuccessFactors Learning
Learning Management System
Reproducing the Issue
Navigate to any Item which has substitutes and has a "Not-for-Credit" status and change it to Blank.
This happens because Main Items are set as Required in Curriculum and few users might have completed the substitute Item with Failed Status which led to complete the main Item and then System inserted a record in Compliance table that is PA_CPNT_COMPLIANCE_DATA.
When Admin is trying to update the 'Not-For-Credit-Status' to null, System is trying to delete the main Item's learning event and also record from the Compliance table. But last_Updated_user is trying to go as null into Compliance history table, which is a not-nullable column. Hence its throwing an error.
This has been Identified as a defect (LRN-20130) and will be fixed in B1711 Release.
LRN-20130 , Not for Credit, Status change to Blank , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-CNT , Content , Bug Filed