- In primary there are two tables with same table name and column name, but the length of column is different.
- Create repdef in RA using rs_create_repdef with commands below:
1> rs_create_repdef user1.tab1
2> go
1> rs_create_repdef user2.tab1
2> go
- Repdef creation for <user1>.tab1 succeeds, but for <user2>.tab1 it returns error message like below:
Failed to create Replication Definition for <user2.tab1> because
The declared length of column '<column_name>' was specified by other re
plication definitions as xxx, not xxx.
' was specified..." - SAP SRS">
- SAP Replication Server Option (RSO) for Oracle 15.7.1
RepServer, repagent, pdb_setreptable, RA, RAO, rs_create_repdef, replication definition , KBA , BC-SYB-REP-RSO , Rep Server Options (RSO) , BC-SYB-REP-HET , Replication Server Heterogeneous Edition (RSHE) , BC-SYB-REP-RTL , Rep Server Real-Time Loading Edition (RTLE) , BC-SYB-REP-ME , Replication Server Messaging Edition (RSME) , Problem
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