SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2562732 - Value in Extension Field Disappears When Physical Inventory Document Status is Changed.


You are trying to save data in Extension Fields in the Physical Inventory Business Object. You have created an Extension Field on Line Item of the Physical Inventory Count Document, but after the inventory adjustment is finished and the screen is closed, the data is not available in the field. You can also not find the values in a query in the repository explorer.


Business byDesign.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Work Center Phyisical Inventory.
  2. Select New Product Count in the Common Tasks View.
  3. Select the Storage Location ID and click on next.
  4. Enter relevant details and Click the Go button.
  5. Select the Product to be counted by ticking the Checkbox.
  6. Click the Finish button to create the Product Count Document XXX (XXX represents the Document ID of the Physical Inventory Count Document).
  7. Open the Physical Inventory Count Document XXX and click View All.
  8. Go to the Count Items tab and control the input in the relevant Extension Field. You can see that the value is available in the Extension Field.
  9. Go to the Task Control View, and search for the Not Started Task to the Physical Inventory Count Document XXX.
  10. Select the relevant Task ID ZZZ (ZZZ represents the Not Started Task which is to be confirmed).
  11. Click the Confirm button and enter relevant details.
  12. Click the Finish All Items button to finish the Task.
  13. Open the Physical Inventory Count Document XXX again and go the Count Items tab.
  14. You can see that the Value is no more available in the respective Extension Field.


The Physical Inventory Count Item has 3 node categories:

  1. Count Inventory Items.
  2. Approval Inventory Items.
  3. Book Inventory Items.

When the key user adds the extension field to this node; the extension field is available on all the 3 node categories.

When the user enters the value in the Count task to this extension field; the value is present in the Count Inventory Item node instance. And when the user tries to see the Count Document - By Line Items; the user is viewing the Approval Inventory Item node instance in which the value was never added, but user expects the value to be passed on even if it’s same node but different instances through process scenario.

There is a technical limitation of extensibility where in the data cannot be passed on within the same node to different instances.


This can be easily handled through PDI since Physical Inventory Count Business Object is released for Partners.

Please ask your Partner to address this via an Add-On where during the Before Save Event of Activity Node of Physical Inventory Count Business Object they do the following:

  1. Do the Retrieve by association using OperationActivityCountInventory assocation from Activity Node.
  2. Get all the Count Inventory Items using the association OperationActivityInventoryItem from Inventory Node.
  3. Get all the Approval Inventory Items using the association ApprovalInventoryItem from Inventory Item Node. Copy the Extension Field value from the Count Inventory Item instance to its corresponding Approval Inventory Item instance.


Physical Inventory Count, Extension Field, Not Started Task, Finished, Values Not Transferred , KBA , extension field not saving data , AP-PIP , Physical Inventory Processing , Product Enhancement


SAP Business ByDesign all versions