No error message is triggered when the hiring manager submits the Contingent Worker Start Date as different Job Information Hire Date.
The error message is triggered when the last workflow approver submit this workflow
Employee Central
Contingent Workforce
Reproducing the Issue
- Add new Work Order Information
- Set Contingent Worker Start Date field as different that Job Information Hire Date field
- Submit Workflow
- Worfklow will be triggered and when the last workflow approver click on "Submit" the system will trigger an "Work order start date should be equal to hire date" error
Validations would be added in the front-end and back-end making sure that both the dates are equal
An enhancement was released in b1711 release to validate work order start date to be equal to hire date when the user enters work order portlet on Hire Wizard via UI "Add contingent worker wizard", the system checks (on the UI) for whether the Hire Date is equal to Work Order start date else throws a validation message.
See Also
Work Order Continget Worker , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-CWF , Contingent Workforce , Product Enhancement