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2563076 - SII XML first semester 2017


In the SII XML file preview, for invoices previous to 01.07.2017,  Tag "DescripcionOperacion" has a value different than "Registro del primer semestre" , and/or Tag "ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendencia" has an unexpected value (not 14 or 16).

There is a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section in the Tax Agency web site that clarifies how these invoices have to be reported:

Also, from , it reads that ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendencia has to be 16 for outgoing invoices of the first semester 2017, and 14 for incoming invoices of the first semester 2017, with one exception: leasing of business premises (arrendamiento de local de negocio, alquileres):




 SAP ECC 6 EhP 0 (SAP Netweaver 700)
 S/4HANA 1511


Retoactive, ClaveRegimenEspecialOTrascendencia 14, 16, DescripcionOperacion, Registro del primer semestre, leasing, L3.1 Clave de régimen especial o trascendencia en facturas expedidas, 11 Operaciones de arrendamiento de local de negocio sujetas a retención, 12 Operaciones de arrendamiento de local de negocio no sujetos a retención, L3.2 Clave de régimen especial o trascendencia en facturas recibidas , 12 Operaciones de arrendamiento de local de negocio, 1st semester of 2017, mapping, S1 Subject - Not Exempt, S2 Subject - Not Exempt - Reverse Charge, SU3, ES_SII_TEST, Spain: Toggle SII Testing (X), FIESSII_TAXCODEV, SU3, ES_SII_TEST Application Component FI-LOC-FI-ES, FI-LOC, Suministro Inmediato de Información, Immediate Supply of Information, SII, Spain, Spanish, localized solution, localization, country specific,  ID-FI-ES, SAP for Me. Real Decreto 596/2016, de 2 de diciembre,  EDOC_COCKPIT, e-doc cockpit, CA-GTF-CSC-EDO-ES , KBA , XX-CSC-ES-FI , use FI-LOC-FI-ES , XX-CSC-ES , Spain , CA-GTF-CSC-EDO-ES , Spain , Problem

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