Your requirement is to add new Address lines to the Communication Addresses for Accounts and mark the Main address as required for business. Further, you want to change the existing Phone and Fax for the Communication Addresses. Upon using the Enhance mode for the Migration of Customers, we see that the General sheet and Addresses sheet of the Migration File are not part of the active source view in the migration tool.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Business Configuration work center
- Select Implementation Projects view or Overview
- Search and Open the activity Migration of Customers
- Choose Migrate customers using the migration tool
- Select You Can Also at the top right corner of the screen and Download Migration Template
- Fill the necessary fields and upload the migration file in the migration tool
- Select Properties and choose the migration mode: Enhance already existing records
At the bottom of the screen, the General tab and Addresses tab of the Migration File are not displayed.
For the Communication Addresses of Accounts, the below is not possible using Migration workbench or Mass Data Maintenance activity.
- Add new Address lines
- Change the Telephone parts such as Phone and Fax for the existing Addresses
1. You may use the standard web service approach to add new Communication Address lines to existing Accounts or to modify the Phone and Fax for the existing Communication Addresses.
The sample Request for ManageCustomerIn webservice may be as follows:
<n0:CustomerBundleMaintainRequest_sync_V1 xmlns:n0="">
<Customer actionCode="06" addressInformationListCompleteTransmissionIndicator="false">
<AddressInformation actionCode="04">
<Address actionCode="04" telephoneListCompleteTransmissionIndicator="true">
< /n0:CustomerBundleMaintainRequest_sync_V1>
*XYZ represents the Internal ID of the Account
xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx represents the Address UUID
yyyyyyyyyy represents the format for numbers
zzzzzzzzzzz represents the Telephone number
2. You may modify the existing Communication Address, E-Mail and Web Site using Mass Data Maintenance.
Communication Addresses for Accounts, Address, Communication Addresses, ManageCustomerIn , KBA , communication addresses for accounts , address , communication addresses , managecustomerin , SRD-MD-BP , Business Partner , Problem