- AMD2 transaction Program AMD2CICS causes a storage violation.
- The program tried to overlay ECDSA storage.
- AMD2CICS ABEND's OC4 when processing a 255 byte varchar.
AMD2CICS ABEND 0C4 dump shows:
CICS Error Data
PSW............ 07951400 80000000 00000000_45841ECA
Program........ AMD2CICS Instruction Length... 0006
Offset......... 00038ECA Interrupt Code....... 0004
EXEC Key....... 9 Reason............... 0004PSW Points:
Address Offset Object Code Mnemonic and Operands
45841EC4 -00000006 D2FF 1000 2000 MVC 0(256,R1),0(R2)
45841ECA 00000000 4110 1100 LA R1,256(,R1)
45841ECE 00000004 4120 2100 LA R2,256(,R2)
45841ED2 00000008 4650 F034 BCT R5,52(,R15)
Mainframe Connect DB2 UDB Option Version 15 SP05 and SP06
memory overlay , KBA , BC-SYB-MFC , Mainframe Connect (MFC) , Problem
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