Within Learning Administration, when attempting to modify an enrollment status for an enrolled user to a Class with a VLS segment, the change does not apply and no error is received.
SAP SuccessFactors Learning
Reproducing the Issue
Click on any enrolled user to a VLS enabled Class
Click Modify
Change the Status to any type that would be Unenrolling (Cancel or Waitlisted) and save or attempt to withdraw.
Note no changes are made and no error is received.
After reviewing LMS application logs, we see the following error indicating the VLE Unenrollment notification template had missing required syntax tags:
https://<LMS URL>/learning/messagebroker/amfsecure - VleLogger - unenrollStudents() failed
com.plateausystems.elms.util.helper.ElmsDeleteException: BreezeEvent.unenrollStudents():Error UnEnrolling Students
Caused by: com.plateausystems.elms.util.helper.ElmsExecuteException: execute() failed
Caused by: com.plateausystems.elms.util.helper.ElmsExecuteException: Job.execute(): VLE UnEnrollment Failed
Caused by: com.plateausystems.elms.framework.notification.helper.NotificationException: An error occured while creating the notification.
Caused by: com.plateausystems.elms.util.helper.ElmsCheckedException: com.plateausystems.elms.framework.notification.helper.NotificationException: Unable to create notification as either the start or the end of the loop was not found in the template
Ensure the VLE Unenrollement template has the proper syntax tags and is not broken. You can revert to default by following 2524356.
See Also
2330530 - LMS Notifications Knowledge Support and Tips
SF LMS enrol cancel register enroll cancell cancelled withdraw waitlist self , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-VLS , Virtual Learning System , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , LOD-SF-LMS-NOT , Notifications , Problem