- A DOL table is using object descriptor binding via the 'dbcc tune (des_bind,..)' command.
- REORG REBUILD on the des-bound table causesError 605. For example:
Error: 605, Severity: 21, State: 1
An attempt was made to fetch logical page '1184' from cache 'default data cache'. Page belongs to database 'pubs2' (6), object 'authors' (576002052), index '<Unknown>' (0), partition 'auidind_576002052' (576002052) and not to database 'pubs2' (6), object 'salesdetail' (704002508), index 'salesdetail' (0), partition 'salesdetail_704002508' (704002508).
- The table can also be bound to a named cache.
- ALTER TABLE or REORG REBUILD with NOT NULL on an existing column that has no null data causes error 605. For example:
Error: 605, Severity: 21, State: 1
An attempt was made to fetch logical page '945' from cache 't1_cache_idx'. Page belongs to database 'scratchdb' (4), object 't1' (1020527638), index 't1_index' (2), partition 't1_index_1020527638' (1020527638) and not to database 'scratchdb' (4), object 't1' (956527410), index 't1_index' (2), partition 't1_index_956527410' (956527410).
Diagnostic read failure on disk is reported to the ASE error log. For example:
Starting diagnostics for read failure:
Device Information:
Device number = 4
Phyname = /redhead1/rfisher/rel157/data/scratchdb_Data.dat
Buffer Information:
Buf addr = 0x0x718d6a290, Mass addr = 0x0x718d6a290
Buf pageno = 945, Mass pageno = 945, dbid = 4
Buf virtpg = 945, Mass virtpg = 945
Buf stat = 0x1, Mass stat = 0x1008
Mass keep = 1, Mass awaited = 0
PAGE DEBUG ELEMENT: buffer state = 1d; prior to io ptnid = -1, page number =945; page timestamp lo=0 hi=0; latch requested mode=1, type=32; latch result = 1; number of times searched = 0.
Page Information from first read attempt: Page read from disk ppageno = 945, pptnid = 1020527638, pindid = 2 pnextpg = 0, pprevpg = 0 plevel = 0, pstat = 0x802 pts_hi = 0, pts_lo = 35812, tail ts = 35812
Page Information from second read attempt: Page read from disk ppageno = 945, pptnid = 1020527638, pindid = 2 pnextpg = 0, pprevpg = 0 plevel = 0, pstat = 0x802 pts_hi = 0, pts_lo = 35812, tail ts = 35812
SDES Information:
dbid = 4, objid = 956527410, sptnid = 956527410 scur.pageid = 945
sstat = 0x0, sstat2 = 0x20
suid = 1, cacheid = 12
PSS Information:
pstat = 0x10000, pcurdb = 4, pspid = 16
p2stat = 0x40001000, p3stat = 0x800
plasterror = 4294967296, preverror = 4294967296, pattention = 0
End diagnostics for read failure:
- The read failure is followed by a stack trace that includes modules:
- DBCC TABLEALLOC shows both objects, object id = 956527410 and partition id = 1020527638:
An attempt was made to fetch logical page '945' from cache 't1_cache_idx'. Page belongs to database 'scratchdb' (4), object 't1' (1020527638), index 't1_index' (2), partition 't1_index_1020527638' (1020527638) and not to database 'scratchdb' (4), object 't1' (956527410), index 't1_index' (2), partition 't1_index_956527410' (956527410).
Note: A complete error 605 report is available under Attachments.
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0
des_unbind, dbcc tune, alter table, CR69349, CR#693491, 693491 , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Bug Filed
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