In transaction RSPLAN you get the below error message when executing a planning sequence with PAK which contains a FOX planning function:
PE error 38.001: Condition 'getCalcScenario()->saveScenario()' fail
Message no. RSR_PE005
In transaction SM21 the following entry can be found:
Database error 2048 at EXE >
column store error: alterPlanningSession error: [38001] >
;Condition 'getCalcScenario()->saveScenario()' failed. Cannot >
save Scenario: >
saveScenario()' fail" - Message no. RSR_PE005">
- SAP NetWeaver 7.4 on HDB
- SAP NetWeaver 7.5 on HDB
FOX: |-operator causes problems, column store error: alterPlanningSession error: [38001], 2048, _SYS_PLE:20170504084624_8140230:TMPDATA, RSR_PE005 , KBA , BW-PLA-IP-PF , Planning Functions and Planning Sequences , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , Bug Filed
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