SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2565264 - Enterprise Portal custom themes are not rebuilt after engine restart


After restarting the Java system, or restarting the ThemesPersistenceService custom themes are not longer regenerated. Previously themes would be rebuilt after a Java engine restart.

There could be rendering issues apparent in the custom theme, such as misalignment on the Fiori Launchpad.



  • SAP NetWeaver Application Server for Java 7.50 Support Package 11 and higher releases
  • Enterprise Portal 


SAP NetWeaver 7.5


netweaver, ep, abap, r3, portal, ur, unified, rendering, lightspeed, ls, inconsistent, distorted, blank, empty, broken, css, its, iac, wd, web, dynpro, webdynpro, sap, gui, for, html, ajax-runtime, wd-runtime, portaldesigndata, portaldesigndataless, urdesigndata, urdesigndataless, less, misaligned, aligned, shift, right, FLP, FLP@EP, Fiori , KBA , EP-PIN-TOL , Themes / Portal UI Theme Designer / Theme Editor , BC-FES-WGU , SAP GUI for HTML , BC-FES-ITS , SAP Internet Transaction Server , BC-WD-UR , Unified Rendering , BC-WD-ABA , Web Dynpro ABAP , BC-WD-JAV , WebDynpro Java , CA-UI2-THD , Theme Designer , Problem

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