Setuphadr output:
Setup Replication...Success
Materialize Databases
Materialize database "master"...
(SQL command) sap_materialize auto site1, site2, master
Completed materialization of the master database from source 'site1' to target 'site2'..
Waiting 10 seconds: Before checking if Replication Connection 'HA1_site2.master' is suspended......
Materialize database "SOP"...
(SQL command) sap_materialize auto site1, site2, DB
Executing ASE dump and load task for database 'DB'............
In RMA log:
materialization thread crashes during the load database:
[Stderr] [Materialize:541][LOGGER] - Exception in thread "Materialize"
[Stderr] [Materialize:541][LOGGER] - java.lang.StackOverflowError
ASE 16.0 SP02 PL05 HF1
SRS 15.7.1 SP305
setuphadr materialization dump load database Exception StackOverflowError , KBA , BC-SYB-REP-SAP , Replication with SAP Suite / SAP BW , Problem
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