When checking inconsistent service confirmation invoice request XYZ (XYZ represents the invoice request ID) the following error message is shown:
"Tax Reporting Unit is not determined."
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Customer Invoicing work center.
- Select the Invoice Requests view.
- Select invoice request XYZ.
- You can see that the status is inconsistent.
- Click the Check button.
The following Error message appears: "Tax Reporting Unit is not determined.".
The relevant service order is having tax country as India and also it contains both materials and services.
For country India, Tax Reporting Unit determination is different in case of services and materials. Therefore, it is not possible to add both materials and services in single service order for tax country India.
Once you maintain separate service orders for both materials and services, then system will determine the correct Tax Reporting Unit.
See Also
KBA: 2814513 - Your Invoice Request Is Inconsistent
"Tax Country India" "Not able to create invoice" , KBA , not able to create invocie , tax country india , AP-CI-CI-GLO , Cross-Country Extensions , Problem