SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2567959 - LMS: How to configure the information in the 'Options and Settings' page of 'My Employees' tab


 Change the information displayed under employee name in 'Options and Settings' from 'My Employees' tab


Successfactors Learning Management System (LMS)

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Log in as a user that has subordinates (User should be supervisor, has the 'My Employees' tab.)
  2. Go to 'My Employees' tab.
  3. Click the three dots on the left of the employee name.
  4. Click 'Options and Settings'.
  5. Under the employee name are Job Title, Job Code Description, and Organization Description.
  6. You want to add/update/remove information here.



The Job Title, Job Code Description, Organization Description, and all information/options in this page are hard-coded and cannot be changed.


configure, my employees, options and settings, option and setting, options and setting, option and settings, job code, job title, LMS, learning, employees, supervisor, employee , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-COR , LMS Core - Items, Catalog, Curricula , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , How To


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