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2568022 - Server crashes. Error 913 and timeslice -501


  • Error: 913, Severity: 22, State: 2  Could not find row in sysdatabases with database id 15.
  • timeslice -501, current process infected

pc: 0x0000000101c97b74 s_execute__fdpr_70+0x134()
[Handler pc: 0x0000000101aa2028 hdl_stack+0x0 installed by the following function:-]
[Handler pc: 0x0000000101aab11c s_handle+0x0 installed by the following function:-]
pc: 0x0000000101cabbc8 sequencer+0x230()
pc: 0x0000000101cbcca4 execproc+0x3a4()
pc: 0x0000000101cbd8c8 s_execute__fdpr_99+0xb4()
[Handler pc: 0x0000000101aa2028 hdl_stack+0x0 installed by the following function:-]
[Handler pc: 0x0000000101aab11c s_handle+0x0 installed by the following function:-]
pc: 0x0000000101cabbc8 sequencer+0x230()
end of stack trace, spid 134, kpid 27394169, suid 1



Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.0.3


Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.0


stored procedure, view, nonclustered index, corrupt, corruption , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem

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