You are not able to close a bank account, even though the closing balance of your last bank statement indicates a zero amount.
SAP Business ByDesign.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Liquidity Management work center.
- Go to My Banks view.
- Select the concerned entry and click Edit -> Bank Account.
- Select the bank account that you want to close and click Actions -> Close.
As error is raised informing that the balance is not zero, as follows: 'Balance not zero; account cannot be closed'.
There is still an amount as balance in the bank account.
The bank account balance is not a simple matter of Confirmed payments. The system, in fact, uses the confirmed bank account balance and the planned liquidity at a specified due date to calculate the relevant bank account balance. This means that even an outgoing bank transfer yet to be transferred is captured when system calculates the bank account balance.
In order to easily track your bank account payments, you can view your cash position via "Cash Position - Transaction Details" report, under Liquidity Management or Business Analytics work center.
The Closing Cash Balance must be made zero and all the open payments must be either Canceled or Confirmed so that the account balance becomes Zero and hence allowable to be closed. The payment transactions recorded within the system shall, of course, be supported by real life transactions.
See Also
Bank Account Balance, Bank Currency, Closing Balance, Bank Statement , KBA , AP-PAY-HBA , House Bank Account , How To