SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2568268 - Frequently Asked Questions on Data Workbench Work Center


Below are a few commonly asked questions and their answers on Data Workbench work center.


SAP Cloud for Customer


1. How to migrate new set of data into the system using Data Workbench work center?

To import new data into the system, please follow the below steps:

  1. Go to Data Workbench work center.
  2. Select Import.
  3. Select any object.
  4. Select Download CSV file.

Add the data in the template then follow the below steps:

  1. Go to Data Workbench work center.
  2. Select Import.
  3. Select any object.
  4. Select Next.
  5. Upload the template.
  6. The fields would be auto-mapped by the tool as you have selected an object template file. You need to review the mapping before proceeding to next import step.
  7. Select Import.


2. How to update/modify the existing records in the system using Data Workbench work center?

To update the existing data in system, please follow the below steps:

  1. Go to Data Workbench work center.
  2. Select Export View.
  3. Select any object.
  4. Select Next.
  5. Select Export Data.

Add the values which needs to be modified/updated in the template and then follow the below steps

  1. Go to Data Workbench work center.
  2. Select Import.
  3. Select Individual Object.
  4. Select Update.
  5. Search the object.
  6. Select Next.
  7. Upload the template.
  8. Select Import.


3. How to check the status of import/export in Data Workbench work center?

You can check the status of your import and export by following the below steps:

  1. Go to Data Workbench work center.
  2. Go to Monitor View.

In this view, you can check the progress/status of the file and also you can download the respective exported file.


4. How to upload attachments using Data Workbench work center?

To upload attachment please follow the below steps:

  1. Go to Data Workbench work center.
  2. Select Import view.
  3. Select Import Attachment.
  4. Select the respective object.
  5. Select Download manifest file.

You can then fill the template with the path where the attachments are kept and then copy the template to the same folder and then zip the folder.

Note: Please make sure you name of the template as manifest.csv.

  1. Go to Data Workbench work center.
  2. Select Import view.
  3. Select Import Attachment.
  4. Select the respective object.
  5. Select Next.
  6. Upload the zip file.
  7. Select Import.


5. What is the file size limit when we upload a zip file for attachments in Data Workbench work center?

The size of the zip file should not exceed more than 1 GB and size of individual attachment in it should not exceed 20MB.


6. How to re-use the file which has failed during the import?

You can download the file from Monitor view and remove the first column Row ID and last column which contains Error and then you can Import the file again using Import view.

7. How the date format should be filled in CSV file while importing?

The date format should be filled in yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ format.


8. How to delete a task from Monitor View?

You can select the respective task and then you can select Remove.


9. How to download the file which has value as 001 or 002 in any of the fields while exporting?

When you open the file with MS Excel, the leading zeros will be truncated. So, you can open it in any standard text file to keep the leading zeros.


10. How to update and export attachments using Data Workbench work center?

It is not possible to update and export attachments for any object using Data Workbench work center. You can only import new attachments for an object using the Import View.


11. Is it possible to delete the mapping between source and target fields while importing the file?

You can delete the mapping between source and target fields by following the below steps:

  1. Select the link between the source and target fields.
  2. Right click.
  3. Select Delete.


  1. Select the link between the source and target fields.
  2. Select Delete button in your keyboard.


12. Why can't all users view All Tasks under Monitor view in Data Workbench work center?

Only key users have access to All Tasks in Monitor view under Data Workbench work center.

Note: the business users also don’t get the object selection option in the individual object import, they can only import via template. This is because importing without a template involves the field mapping step, which business user might not be aware of how to use.


13. Is it possible to uncheck or nullify the checkbox field for a given business object using Data Workbench work center?

Data Workbench only supports checking of the checkbox Fields. Nullify/Unchecking of the checkbox is not possible using Data Workbench work center.


14. What is the timespan of files on the Monitor Tab?

The file will automatically disappear from Monitor view after three months.


15. What is the functionality of Ignore Blank Values and Update Blank Values in Update view in Data Workbench work center?

Ignore Blank Values: Once you choose this option it will ignore all the blank values provided for a specific field in the csv file and these fields will not be impacted after import.

Update Blank Values: Once you choose this option it will accept all the blank values provided for a specific field in the csv file and these fields will be updated after import.


16. Is it possible to enable Duplicate Check in Data Workbench?

No, Duplicate Check option is not available in Data Workbench. In case of duplicate data, you will receive an error in case the Object ID is existing in the C4C system.

17. Is it possible to automate exports by scheduling an export job from the Data Workbench?

No, it is not possible to automate any of the tasks via job from Data Workbench. All the tasks including exports have to be manually triggered.

18. How to add fields in the Filter section within Export tab of Data Workbench

If the new fields are modeled as filterable TRUE in Odata Editor then these fields will be added into DWB Export. This is applicable for standard, KUT and PDI fields

19. Is it possible to change the default import option in Import view, from Complete Business Objects to Individual Objects?

Currently it is not possible to change the default import option. Since 1711 release of Hybris Cloud for Customer the Complete Business Objects option became the default option for Import view.


20. When the Business User selects the radio button Individual Objects in the Import view of Data workbench, the list of objects is not available.

The import of individual objects involves mappings which the business user may not be aware of. This can work if a key user creates a mapping from the Templates view in Data Workbench and the same will be available for the business users to use it in Individual import. This reduces the number of steps for business users.


21. How to extract the external keys for any objects?

You may extract the external keys using the Export view. The external key field is now part of the exported templates for all objects.


22. Which object can be used to import Account Contact Relationship using Data Workbench?

The object Account Contact Relationship is deprecated in the Import view in Data Workbench.

You may use the object Account Contact Persons to upload the relationship between Account and Contact.

To import data to the tab Relationships at an account level, go to Data Workbench Work Center,

Choose Individual Object and then search for Business Partner Relationship. The data created for an account via this service will then appear in the tab Relationship.


23. Why do you get an error message "does not contain csv files" while uploading .zip file for Complete Business Objects.

You need to follow below steps to upload .zip file for Complete Business Objects:

  1. Go to Data Workbench work center.
  2. Select Import View.
  3. Select Complete Business Objects option.
  4. Download the .zip file.
  5. Extract the Templates folder from the zip.
  6. Add the records in the csv files from the Templates folder.
  7. Add the CSV files to a zip folder.
  8. Upload the .zip file in Data Workbench Complete Business Objects Import mode.

Note: While zipping make sure to keep all the empty templates also in the folder in which you have not filled any data.


24. What is the significance of Initial Load mode in the Import view in Data Workbench work center?

Data can be migrated into SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer in Initial Load mode so that applications react differently, for example by relaxing checks/update number ranges etc.

The same is required to be supported by Data Workbench. The Initial Load mode relaxes the veto checks and reduces errors during initial migration. You may Import data in Initial Load mode to avoid Business Object validations.

Data workbench (DWB) allows Initial Load of data, just as Migration workbench with migration mode context (MWB). To relax the checks during Initial Load (as done in MWB), migration context is set from via DWB User Interface by selecting Initial Load.

By default, the Initial Load switch is set to ON, which sets the migration context during data import.


25. Is it possible to use the CSV-Migration-Template, from the migration tool, to import data in the Data Workbench work center?

No, the Data Workbench tool accepts only templates from the same work center -> downloaded from the button 'Download Metadata' (in the Import view), exported from the Export view (to use in the Update mode) and the templates created in the Templates view.

The CSV-Migration-Template is a special type of CSV document, that differs from a normal CSV template, and can only be used in the Migration tool.


26. Not able to find the Monitor/Import/Export/Templates views in the Data Workbench work center

To activate the Access Rights for the work center you can follow the below steps:

  1. Go to Administrator work center.
  2. Select the Business Users hyperlink.
  3. Select the respective user.
  4. Select Edit and choose the Access Rights option.
  5. In the Work Center and View Assignment tab, expand COD_DATALOADER_WCF view.
  6. Select the respective views and checkmark Assigned to User.
  7. Select Save and Close.


27. Is it possible to delete records using the Data Workbench?

Yes, it is possible to delete some records of transactional data using the Data Workbench. To do this:

  1. Go to Data Workbench;
  2. Access the Export view;
  3. Select the object for which you wish to delete records;
  4. Filter for the desire records and export them;
  5. Download the CSV file from the Monitor;
  6. Edit the CSV and add a column with header "ToBeDeleted" at the end;
  7. For all records that should be deleted, add value "TRUE" in this column;
  8. Save the file and re-upload it to the system using the Update option in the Import view.

 Note: This functionality is supported only for the records which can be deleted from UI. You will receive an error, if you try to delete a record using DWB, which can't be deleted from UI.

 For example, a Service Agent can't be deleted, you may only update the status.
 You will receive below error, if you try to delete a Service Agent using the above mentioned steps

 Error: Entity set: ServiceAgentCollection is not allowed for deletion. Check service metadata.


28. Post 1808 Upgrade, only one task shows in the status In Progress and remaining tasks go to In Queue status.

It is expected system behavior, it is a new feature introduced post 1808 upgrade.
Only one Task will be processing at a time per Tenant and remaining will go to In Queue status, after completion of In Progress task the next Queued up task will get processed.


29. Why you can see Proxy Names in Data Workbench export file Header Fields even when you select UI Text for export?

Export with UI Text selection would export fields with UI Name only if UI Text is maintained for these entity type properties during OData service modeling. If UI Text is not maintained, Proxy Name is used in exported file field name. The same can be checked in the service metadata:$metadata?sap-label=true. For a given entity type property, the value for sap:label is used in exported CSV file field name.


30. Why tasks remain in status In Queue without showing any errors?

A task with a huge amount of records may block the processing of further tasks, or i.e multiple/huge exports are triggered by multiple users. The Data Workbench tool can only process one task at a time. In Queue tasks will be picked once the current ongoing task is finished.


31. While exporting data using DWB, the Created By and Changed By fields are blank for few records.

It will happen if the respective record has been Changed By and/or Created By the Technical User.


32. Is it possible to export the External IDs for the objects in Data Workbench?

It is not possible to export the External IDs for any objects in Data Workbench. Further, it is not possible to create a Custom OData Service to export the External IDs from any object in Data Workbench.


33. Why do we get error in deletion of Contacts: "Object is locked by XXX" (where XXX is the Creator of the Deletion task).

In the standard case, one contact is assigned to one account, but one account has multiple contacts.
For that reason the standard grouping by account is the correct approach.

When you try to delete contact relationships where one contact shall be assigned to multiple accounts, you get locking issues.
Use service 'BusinessPartnerRelationship'. This service does not use parallel threads and is usable for the task of removing existing relationships.

Note: Creation is also possible, but only without contact person Workplace Attributes.


34. Why do we get the error 'Internal error; create an SAP case' when deleting a document?

The import file/template which you are using to delete the document is not an exported file. In order to delete any document from DWB, first make an Export from the Data Workbench and, in the exported file, add a new column 'ToBeDeleted' with value 'TRUE'.


35. You received the information that the ID Mapping would be discontinued in the 1905 release of the system. Now you would like to know when it will be discontinued.

ID Mapping functionality was marked as deprecated until end of 1908 release. Since 1911, this feature is not readily available in Data Workbench. Instead, it now needs to be scoped via Business Configuration scoping question, see help document:


36. While importing or updating, system is converting the numeric values to Integer. For example, you are importing an Employee ID as 876 and the value is converted into 876.00.

This happens when the value is copied and pasted from somewhere and the format becomes one other than String. You can avoid this by directly entering the value in cell, as this will not change the format type to Integer. If you are doing copy and paste from somewhere else, you can paste with Match Destination Formatting.


37. Can you delete Org Units using Data Workbench?

The OData for OrgUnit has currently feature parity to the existing A2X Service which does not support a deletion.

The "ToBeDeleted" will never be supported for OrgUnit, as we cannot allow deleting OrgUnits, since they might be in use. Therefore OrgUnits can only be set to obsolete (logical deletion) via an action "Mark As deleted" as available for users with Delete button on the UI.
The Data Workbench cannot be used to mass obsolete Org Units.


38. How to unsubscribe from Data Workbench related E-mail Notification?

When a task (Import, update, Export) is submitted, upon completion the respective owner of the task receive mail confirming the completion of the Task. Currently, it is not possible to unsubscribe this Email task.


39. How can you remove the following error message while uploading Excel import file: "Use the valid time format: 'yyyy-MM-dd'"?

Format the Date column to Text and enter the record as suggested ("yyyy-MM-dd").


40. How many external keys can be entered into the field Value when exporting data from Data Workbench with filter External Key?

There is no confirmed limit of how many external keys can be pasted into the field Value, but it is recommended not to copy too many external keys. It is also not recommended to have too many filters. In cases where the filters are too big, recommendation is to export all data and filter in the Excel file directly.

41. What happens when an activity is created with an Organizer/Account ID that does not exist in the system?

Groupware integration supports the ability to maintain an organizer, account, or party simply through email or phone number even if the party does not exist in the system. That is, when a party is maintained with an ID which does not match, the Data Work Bench takes the party and adds it as expected with the unmatched ID maintained within the phone number details. The system will not display an error.

For example, while using the Data Work Bench to insert Appointments, if you upload a file with an Organizer_ID such as Employee ID or a Main_Account_ID such as Account ID that does not exist in the C4C Tenant, an Appointment is created but the Involved Party Roles "Organizer" and "Account" will have the corresponding template values displayed in the Phone Number column.

42. Does Simulation Mode consumes Number range?

Yes, Simulation Mode consumes number range of the underlying Business Object. This is a standard functionality.


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