SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2568384 - How to mass upload content files to iContent and create entities?


Different ways to bulk upload contents into iContent and how to link them with Learning content objects & items.


SAP SuccessFactors Learning


There are a few options that can be used to mass upload content files to iContent and link them with Learning content objects & items:

Content Import:

  •  FTP clients like FileZilla or WinSCP can be used to mass import content files to the iContent server. These are the steps:
  1. Connect to the SFTP >
  2. Use the SFTP hostname, username, password, port number (22) of your iContent in the FTP client >
  3. Connect >
  4. *Copy/move the files from the local system to iContet location (all in one folder would make this job easy) >
  5. The progress could be checked on the tool and you may confirm via the iContent browser access after the upload is complete to make sure that all content was uploaded successfully.


  • The "auto extract membership" in our EFT Servers (Where initial content volume gets uploaded to via FTP Client to be used later by our Apache content servers) should be enabled and allow for auto-unzipping of any files uploaded. If zip files are not unzipping upon upload, you will need to contact product support who will contact our Operations Team to enable this setting in the EFT Server.
  • Please note that Support team will not support or debug these applications errors/issues as they are third party tools.
  • SCORM 2004 contents cannot be placed directly on the SFTP, they need to be imported via the LMS interface to work properly.
  • Uploading the content files directly on the SFTP does not create items or content object automatically.

Content Objects & Items creation:

  • Content Objects and Items can be created manually via the interface or the Item Connector can be used:

Content Object:

  1. At Learning Administration > Content > Content Object >
  2. Add New >
  3. Fill the ID, Title, and other required fields >
  4. Add >
  5. After it's created, go to "Launch Method" tab >
  6. Select the correct method that matches with the content that will be launched >
  7. Fill the "Content URL" field with the URL Prefix (which is mandatory) + the iContent folder path + the file that will start the course >
  8. For example: Consider the URL Prefix of your instance is "/learning/user/onlineaccess/" and you have a PDF ("TestPDF.pdf") hosted inside a folder called "SF-PDF-Content" of your iContent. The Filename that will used would be "/learning/user/onlineaccess/".


  1. At Learning Administration > Learning Activities > Items > Create either an Online Only or a Blended Item >
  2. Go to the "Online Content" tab >
  3. Select "Add Content Object" >
  4. And add the content that was previously created >
  5. Set the item's settings as required > Save.
  • Content Objects and Items can also be created via Item Connector.
  1. There is also the possibility of creating and associating all the entities via an Item Connector import. In this case, we suggest that you engage an SAP Certified Partner or SAP Professional Services team, since it will require Connector expertise and some sort of drawing the import process before doing it.

Another option for Content Import:

  • SAP offers iContent Premium Service that consists to have a team specialized in importing content and creating items for our customers. For further information, the customer's SAP Sales Representative and/or Customer Success Manager can be reached.

See Also

Importing Courses with the Learning Item Connector

2404463 - SuccessFactors Learning Connector Workbooks FAQs

2682988 - Troubleshooting Structured Course Content in SuccessFactors Learning


bulk, upload, content import, lms, courses, mass, zip, file, unzipping, eft, server, auto, extract, membership , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-CNT , Content , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , LOD-SF-LMS-PCM , iContent , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Learning all versions