SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2568434 - Unable to Delete Bank Accounts


You want to delete a Bank Account but there is no action available to perfom this.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Liquidity Management work centre.
  2. Go to the My Banks sub view .
  3. Select the respective Bank and click Edit - Bank Accounts.
  4. Under Actions you only have the options Block, Unblock and Close.
  5. You can not find an activity to delete the Bank Account.


You are unable to delete a Bank Account because you can not delete Master Data.

This is the expected system behaviour.


In case the Bank Account is not blocked:

  1. Select the respective Bank Account
  2. Click Actions - Close
  3. Save the changes

In case the Bank Account is already blocked:

  1. Select the respective Bank Account
  2. Click Actions - Unblock
  3. Save the changes
  4. Click Actions - Close
  5. Save the changes

Once the Bank Account is in status Closed it is no longer considered for this bank.


Bankkonten löschen, Bankkonto, Bankkonto sperren, gesperrt , KBA , SRD-FIN-CLM , Cash and Liquity Managment , How To


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