SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2568657 - Item XX: Location ABC with role Ship From Location must be of type Site


When you enter the Ship From location in the Sales order as ABC, the system gives the error: Item XX: Location ABC with role Ship From Location must be of type Site

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Sales Orders work center.
  2. Navigate to the view Sales Orders.
  3. Choose the button New and select the option Sales Order.
  4. In the New Sales Order page choose the button View All, In the General tab enter the account details and navigate to the Items tab.
  5. In the Items tab choose the button Add Row and under the column Product ID enter the product ID in the sales order
  6. Under Details Tab you change the Ship From to Location ABC(ABC is Location ID)
  7. System will give the error message :Item XX: Location ABC with role Ship From Location must be of type Site


In Business ByDesign the products are always delivered to your customers from a Site and not a Location. The system determines the Ship-from for a customer demand either from a Site or from a Supplier. Location ABC is not maintained as Site.


This is system standard behavior.


KBA , AP-SLO-SO , Sales Order , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions