SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2568896 - Timezone in Connector scheduling is blank


The timezone when scheduling the Connector is blank.


SuccessFactors Learning Management System (LMS)


Which timezone to set is subject to the customer's preferences and this is usually set in the implementation phase. It is recommended to set a time to schedule the connector job at least 15 or 30 minutes after the employee export job.

Leaving the timezone blank will schedule the connector using the database timezone, however once a timezone has been set, it is not possible to return it to blank afterwards.

Alternatively you can set the Timezone for a country that uses a time equivalent to the DB timezone.

See Also

2168610 - How to get the exact time stamp of Item Revision detailed into seconds so you can update the current revision of item using Item Connector?

2293469 - Connector will update date/time as per Database timezone instead of the admin timezone-LMS


Timezone, Connector, Blank, database, DB , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-CON , Connectors , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Learning all versions