SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2568923 - Fields are Blank or Greyed Out When Converting Or Associating Lead to Account or Contact


You are not able to fill in the address fields when converting or associating a Lead to an Account/Contact. Address fields are greyed out and you cannot change them to be editable via Edit Master Layout; it is only possible to fill in the address fields after saving and opening Account/Contact.

Other fields are blank even though they have a value in the Lead. When you enter a different value in the conversion screen, the original value is being taken over in the new account/ contact.


SAP Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue

Prerequisite: You have already created a Lead which is ready to be converted or associated to Account/Contact.

  1. Go to the Sales work centre.
  2. Go to the Sales Lead view.
  3. Open the Lead ABC (ABC represents the ID of the Lead).
  4. Select Actions and Convert to Account & Contact.
  5. The address fields are greyed out/ some fields are blank.

You expect that address fields are editable / other fields are filled with the value from the Lead when converting or associating a Lead to an Account/Contact before choosing Save and Open.


For address fields, the Actions Associate and Convert to Account & Contact are more of a display screen. Here you check the data that is entered in the Lead and confirm it to avoid duplicates when creating Accounts/Contacts. This is the reason why the conversion screen gives only a few fields, many of them are read-only or blank and cannot be changed via Edit Master Layout.

For the other fields, please note that fields which were added to the Master Layout using the function Add Other Fields do technically not belong to Leads and are therefore blank in the conversion screen. The value is then set according to the TI value that this field belongs to. For example, if you add the field Industry to the conversion screen, this field belongs technically to the Account and hence the value in the Account is being taken on conversion; in the conversion screen however, the field is blank.


It is possible to edit this data immediately from Account/Contact which was created. This is the expected system behaviour.

  1. Go to the Customers work centre.
  2. Go to the Accounts view.
  3. Select the account ABC and open it.
  4. Select Edit.
  5. You are able to edit the address fields and fill the other fields.


lead, fields, convert to account and contact, associate to account and contact, greyed out, blank field , KBA , LOD-CRM-LM , Lead Management , Problem


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions