N1 notifications sent to Hiring Manager after candidate created go with duplication.
There are two templates set for the N1 notification:
- Template 1 - Is to be triggered when the candidate is Internal Candidate
- Template 2 - To be triggered when candidate is External Candidate
Both notifications is being triggered
SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding - Notifications
Reproducing the Issue
Initiate Onboarding to a candidate
- Open Audit Mail
- See two notifications were sent one for Internal Candidate and another to External Candidate
The rule in advanced condition is set incorrectly:
Internal Candidate notification template
If InternalHire Equal true and
CountryReq Equal USA or
CountryReq Equal GBR
CountryReq Equal MLT
External Candidate notification template
If InternalHire Equal false and
CountryReq Equal USA or
CountryReq Equal GBR
CountryReq Equal MLT
With this settings both template will trigger.
System calculate: First condition - InternalHire Equal true. If this is true rule pass for any of the three countries.
However, if CountryReq is from USA only one notification is sent;
If cCountryReq is from GBR, two notiifcations will be sent
To resolve:
Open both templates and change the advanced condition
Internal notification template
If InternalHire Equal true and
CountryReq Equal USA or
If InternalHire Equal true and
CountryReq Equal GBR or
If InternalHire Equal true and
CountryReq Equal MLT
External notification template
If InternalHire Equal false and
CountryReq Equal USA or
If InternalHire Equal false and
CountryReq Equal GBR or
If InternalHire Equal false and
CountryReq Equal MLT
Advanced Condition, Duplicated Notifications, CountryReq , KBA , LOD-SF-OBD-EML , Emails and Notifications , Problem