How to display Previous and Current values in the same report in Advance Reporting using Change Reporting Column Tool?
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
- SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite
- Advanced Reporting
The Change Reporting function in Advanced Reporting allows a user to retrieve before/after values for a selected column in their report results.
- Show the previous value for a single column
- Show up to the previous two values for the selected column
- Show the start date for the previous value
- Select previous values based on the main query filter
- Previous columns can be used in sorting and re-labeled
The Change Reporting function works by using an existing query. Create one in the designer, or open pre-saved query, then click Change Reporting Columns:
- Change Reporting Configuration: Change Reporting On:
This is the column that you would like to show the previous value/s for. Ensure the column is selected in your query, then select it from this list.
- Change Reporting For:
This column is pre-defined based on the “key” or anchor of the query. Queries that are reporting on Employees will anchor on User Sys ID, whereas queries that are reporting on objects (for example: Position) will anchor on the Object ID (for example: Position ID).
- Change Reporting Filter:
This column allows you set the same filter to the previous value/s as has been applied in the query. Set a column filter on the query and then select the same column here to apply the filter to the previous value/s.
- Distance:
Set how many previous values to show in the query – “1” to show the previous value, “2” to show both the previous and the previous previous values.
- Show Start Date for previous value(s):
Check this box if the start date for the previous value/s is required in the query.
- Filter records without a previous value:
Check this box to remove records that do not have a previous value from the results.
- Results:
Here is a sample of the expected results
- Deleting the CR Column:
To remove the Change Reporting column, open Change Reporting Configuration and select Delete:
- Relabeling the CR Column/s:
To change the default name for the “previous” columns, go to the Columns tab, select the column and click Rename Selected Column:
Please note: this function is not available for Detailed Reporting as the tool uses Live Data information.
Change reporting is meant to be used for Global Job Information table only. If you try add a change reporting column of a MDF object field (e.g: Position table) it will only bring data from the MDF itself, the data will not be related to the data available in the Employee Profile. Therefore, we strongly suggest not using this for MDFs.
For further information, please see the following link from the SAP Help Portal.
See Also
Advanced, Reporting, ODS, Change, Column, Online, Report, designer, Canvas, Center, delta, report, new , KBA , LOD-SF-ANA-ADV , Advanced Reporting (ODS) , LOD-SF-ANA-ORD , Online Report Designer , How To