A new admin page has been introduced within Action For All Plans.
This allows you to bulk download statements for an employee within a specific date range.
Why is this important?
- This provides an easy way for admins to download compensation, variable pay and combined statements by employee.
- Can be used to provide compensation information to employees requesting a Data Privacy and Protection Information report.
**Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental**
SuccessFactors Compensation
- SuccessFactors Variable Pay
Reproducing the Issue
1. In order to have this new admin page available within action for all plans you must first permission your role via role based permissions.
2. The permission which needs to be assigned is "View User Personal Statements" under "Manage Compensation".
3. Once this permission has been granted you will now has access to the new admin page in "Action for all plans> Import/Export Data> View User Personal Statements"
Bulk print statements, Download Statements, Compensation statements, Compensation, Personal Statments, variable pay statements , KBA , LOD-SF-CMP-PS , Personal Statements , LOD-SF-CMP , Compensation Management , How To