SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2570122 - Troubleshooting SAP Jam Performance Issues


If you see that the SAP Jam application is performing extremely slow or taking long time to access please submit a case to SAP Jam Customer Support.


SAP Jam Collaboration.


As slowness can be in the cloud/network, or on the client end, it is sometimes difficult for SAP Jam to replicate or capture the slowness. For this reason please understand why your IT is recommended to help perform tests when the source of slowness is believed to be outside of the SAP Jam system.


Please raise an case with Customer Support with the following information:

  1. Define Issue Type
    Connectivity/System unavailable? (cant login or 404 errors etc.) or 
    Slowness with a specific page or action? (E.g. viewing profile page, or just when we add a goal)  or
    Slowness in general using all pages? or Both Slowness and Connectivity?

  2. Defining Issue Contd.
    Home Page, Groups, uploading or downloading contents etc.

  3. Add Issue Specific Info

    3a. If connectivity issue also tell us:

              1. Can you log in at this time?

              2. Capture and share it in your case if any errors that you are seeing in the browser

              3. When did this start?

              4. Describe in general how this is affecting you and others:

Note: If users cannot login at all, and everyone is locked out, please refer to our System Unavailable solution instead:

        3b. If there is a slowness issue, also tell us:

             1. Is it slow to login? What is the Average time for login page to load?

             2. State other pages or actions where slowness is most noticeable (Eg viewing profile page, creating task, Feed updates and contents) and mention average time for page or action to complete:

             3. Before this started what was average load time, and how much longer on average is it taking today?

Mention in your case if you would like Support to work with you via a screen-sharing session to gather this information. This is not needed if you are comfortable gathering this yourself.

  • Contact Name(s):
  • Company Name & SAP Jam Instance Name:
  • Is this your Test or Production site?
  • Is the problem occurring right now?
  • How many end users are using the system?
  • How many have reported being affected?
  • Are remote offices affected?
  • Which remote offices are affected?

Note: Customer Success will contact you to arrange a meeting with you and your IT team to gather more in-depth diagnostics based on your initial information.

This is a technical process that requires technical skills. We recommend you engage your IT department to have them work with you and Customer Success to gather this diagnostic information.

Although system slowness is designated as a critical issue, and SAP Jam will begin to work on this immediately, please understand that in some situations it can take a few days to fully capture and document the slowness depending on how intermittent the issue may be.

It may require running repeated tests over a period of time to sufficiently document the slowness being experienced.

Provide below Performance Diagnostics  details

  1. Slow Web Page load performance

Step 1:  Collect timestamp when encountering latency

             Time duration when start encountering this problem

Step 2: General Information:

  1.      Is the latency experienced across all browsers like Chrome, Internet Explorer,  Firefox?
  2.      Is the latency faced by ALL users?
  3.      Is the latency faced across ALL locations/offices (if any)?

Step 3: Browser and System settings:

  1. Tools - > Internet Options  -> General -> Temporary Internet Files (Browsing History) -> Click Settings Button -> Make sure "Check for newer version of stored pages" is set to "Automatically”.Paste screenshot here
  2. Tools -> Internet Options -> General à Temporary Internet Files (Browsing History) -> Click Settings Button -> Check Disk Space to use: >100MB (recommended).

<Paste screenshot here>

  1. Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced à make sure "Use HTTP 1.1" and "Use HTTP 1.1 through proxy connections" are checked.

<Paste screenshot here>

  1. Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced -> “Do not save encrypted pages to disk”  should be disabled

<Paste screenshot here>

  1. Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced -> “Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed” should be disabled.

<Paste screenshot here>

Step 4: Network Troubleshooting:

Ping results from user machine experiencing latency to (X is the number of the datacenter)

Paste screenshot here

Trace route (command : tracert)  results from user machine experiencing latency to

Paste screenshot here

Does your company use proxy server to connect to internet? If yes, is there any change in latency issue when proxy is bypassed.

Step 5: Network bandwidth test:

Run the network bandwidth test to SAP Jam server using one of the URLs below:

If you login to, then use

If you login to, then use

If you login to, then use 

If you login to, then use

If you login to, then use 

If you login to, then use 

If you login to, then use 

PS: Please run the bandwidth test multiple times when user is experiencing latency issue.

Paste screenshot here

Step 6: Collect HTTPWatch or Fiddler logs:

Run HttpWatch tool to collect performance data:

  • HttpWatch logs provide the ability to view the interaction between the browser and web site.
  • This information is crucial to the areas of we development as all web development applications make extensive use of the HTTP (or HTTPS for secure sites)
  • Download the HttpWatch app from here:

Run Fiddler tool:

  1. Suboptimal Network Route to Jam/BizX 

When calls to the main Jam site, e.g. (and not asset hosts like, etc.) are slow, then SAP needs to work with the customer to determine why their network path from their client machines to their Jam or BizX DC is so slow.

First, we need to gather information on the user's configuration, and how your requests are ending up on the public Internet:

  1. What public IP address is listed when you go to  ?
  2. What is the IP address of your client DNS?
  • You can find this listed under “DNS Servers” when you run “ipconfig /all” in a Command Prompt.
  1. What is the IP address of the HTTP proxy your client is using?
  • DNS resolution is done through the HTTP proxy if you are using an HTTP proxy.  This will tell us whether they are going through an HTTP proxy, and if so, what your local HTTP proxy IP address
  • You will find this by checking their browser’s HTTP proxy setting, and then hitting “ping proxy.mycompany.corp” in a command prompt to find the local IP that it resolves to.

After gathering basic configuration information, the customer should do a "trace route" from their machine to the data center:

  1. If you are NOT using an HTTP proxy, you need to run "traceroute" (Mac/Linux) or "tracert" (Windows) on a user's machine when the user is on the corporate network.
  2. If you ARE using an HTTP proxy, you need to run "traceroute" (Linux) or "tracert" (Windows) on the HTTP proxy server to determine the network hops needed for the traffic to go from the HTTP proxy to the Jam/BizX data center.

Tracert Shows "Request timed out":

If tracert ends with "Request timed out", then there are two possibilities:

  1. The company uses an HTTP proxy and you need to get your IT team to run the tracert from your HTTP proxy 
  2. Outgoing ICMP packets are being blocked at the corporate firewall, and you need to get their IT team to run tracert from their corporate firewall in their DMZ


  1. Ensure the client machines use an HTTP proxy that is close to them.  To do this, they need to do the following:
  1. Configure their HTTP proxy settings in Windows or the Mac to point to a proxy that is close to them
  2. Sometimes, the proxy server may be a machine name, e.g. "proxy", that resolves to different proxy servers depending on where they are in the world.  In those cases, they need to ensure that the DNS suffix that they use causes them to point to an HTTP proxy that is close to them.  To do that on Windows, they need to go into their "adapter settings", "TCP/IP Properties", "Advanced", "DNS", and then to change the order of DNS suffixes under "Append these DNS suffixes (in order)".
  1. Ensure the customer's client machines are using a primary DNS and secondary DNS that is close to their user machines.  Akamai edge caching works by having your client machines resolve BizX URLs to an edge caching server that is close to the client machine.  Requests to fetch static files for web page loads will then to go the local edge caching server, instead of travelling long distances to the home DC, e.g. the requests will travel from Indonesia to Indonesia instead of from Indonesia to Amsterdam in Europe.  We have seen cases where client machines are set to Google's DNS, which causes the client to use the Akamai edge caching servers in Massachusetts, U.S.


System Slowness in Jam - Performance Issues - SAP Jam slowness - Page load slow in SAP Jam , KBA , LOD-SF-JAM-PER , Performance Issues , Problem


SAP Jam Collaboration all versions