SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2570136 - Splitted Load Task is not Creating Outbound Delivery


You are saving the task with split quantities in the Load Task, however the system does not create Outbound Delivery.

Reproducing the Issue

Please note, the below provided numbers are meant for example purposes only.

1. Go to the Outbound Delivery work center.

2. Select the Task Control view.

3. Search relevant load task and choose Confirm button.

4. Select the Line item with Open Quantity for example 70 each.

5. Split quantities for 2 of 35.

6. Put Actual Quantity as 35.

7. Save. System does not create Outbound Delivery.


Outbound delivery can be created if you do full quantity confirmation. If you want to create Outbound Delivery for partial quantity confirmation, as in this case, then you need to use Late Delivery Split.


To perform Late Delivery Split, follow the below mentioned steps:

  1. Go to the Outbound Delivery work center.
  2. Select the Task Control view.
  3. Search the relevant task and choose Confirm button.
  4. Select the Line item with open quantity 70, put actual quantity to 35.
  5. Choose Split Delivery button.
  6. Then choose Late Delivery Split button.
  7. You will receive the following message: An outbound delivery will be created for the confirmed items on save.
  8. Save and Close.

Now system will create an Outbound Delivery for confirmed quantity. So in this example, Outbound Delivery of 35 quantity will be created .

If you lay the mouse over the Late Delivery Split button it display the following message: Splits the Items with a reported actual quantity into a delivery. The remaining Items will result in an additional delivery when their actual quantity is reported. Use this action if not everything fits in or not everything is ready for the delivery.


Split Load Task, Outbound Delivery , KBA , AP-ODP-OD , Outbound Delivery , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign 1711 ; SAP Business ByDesign 1802