When you try to confirm a task in Inbound Logistic work center, you get the error message: `Business residence cannot be determined. Check that the products have been posted to the custodian as you cannot post products from the custodian before they have been posted to the custodian`.
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Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Inbound Logistics work center.
- Select the Task Control view.
- Search and select a task ID and choose the button Confirm.
- In the confirmation screen while trying to Save, the system throws the error message: `Business residence cannot be determined. Check that the products have been posted to the custodian as you cannot post products from the custodian before they have been posted to the custodian`.
This task is created for spare part return for product. In the spare parts return process, it is only allowed to return stock that exists in the custodian stock. If no custodian stock is there, then system will consider it as there is nothing to return.
If the put-away task contains at least one product which does not have enough stock in the custodian stock, the system will display the error message.
Note: In stock Overview, you can personalize the screen and check the entries for Custodian Stock and the Owner. Custodian stocks are of type Pre-delivered.
System is working as designed.
Custodian Stock, Spare Parts Return, Put-Away Task , KBA , AP-CRP , Customer Return Processing , Problem