How Does System Determine which items to display in to do list on Home page?
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Successfactors Compensation
The logic is related to the route map. For example we have a route map below.
Please pay attention that I have setup the step due date as 11/01/2017.
Then we associate this route map with our compensation template.
And then mass create the form based on the template. On the form, you can also see the due date of the current step.
TO distinguish with Form Due Date, this form due date is 11/21/2017. But the current step due date is 11/01/2017 as below displaying.
Now open the to-do list with type category and expand the compensation list.
You will see the overdue days is 21 days which is actually calculated based on step due date (= 11/01/2017). TO DO list contains 3 links which directs to 3 forms. Those forms are all using the same route map and route to the step which is overdue with the step owner.
compensation to do display logic , KBA , LOD-SF-CMP-ADM , Admin Tools, Settings, Permissions , Problem