You have a requirement to add PDI extension fields in the Time Types-Country Activity in the Business Configuration using cloud studio however you are not able to Extend/Add the required fields using SDK.
Business Used Case Scenario:
Automatic premium assignment: The system is able to determine the overtime hours and assign a premium to these overtime hours via the Time Recording Profile. The Time Recording Profiles can be set up in Business Configuration, and the profiles themselves be assigned to the employee in their Time File. However, this overtime determination is done only via Thresholds, and not via the start time and end time, which you need for automatic shift premium determination.
In ByDesign system it is not possible to automatically assign shift premiums to the times recorded by the employee. The Employee or Time Administrator must manually enter the Premium Pay field, which could be based on the Start Time and End Time of the time recording.
The premium pay in this object can be either manually entered via time entry screens or derived based upon thresholds configured in employee's time recording profile. In case this is not sufficient and premium pay needs to derived based upon some other rules e.g. shift premiums, a custom add-on can probably write into the field PAYMENT_TYPE_CODE based upon relevant rules (possibly captured in a PDI object.).
TIMX_EMPLOYEE_TIME is PSM released but the solution around that would need to be validated. Please note that this business object is Status and Action enabled and hence any add-on developed on this BO should take care of testing the same.
SAP Business ByDesign
Premium Pay, Extension Fields, Time Type , KBA , SRD-HR-TLM , Time and Labour Management , Problem
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