SAP IQ Multiplex Coordinator could crash while IQ is executing sp_iqmpxglobalcommit or any other operation involving a global transaction in case a Global DML is initiated from any secondary server.
How to find which secondary server the Global DML is initiated from and what items should be collected and conveyed to the SAP Tech Support?
For this you should already have:
- set upfront (before the crash occurs) in the .CFG file of ALL MPX servers, the following options and stop and restart IQ.
- -zr all
- -zo <path>/zrlog.txt
- -zn 5
- zs 200m
- or alternatively, run upfront (before the crash occurs) the following commands against ALL MPX servers (IQ does not need to be restarted):
CALL sa_server_option ('RequestLogging', 'ALL');
CALL sa_server_option ('RequestLogFile', '<path>/zrlog.txt'); -- replace <path> by a directory
CALL sa_server_option ('RequestLogMaxSize', 204800000); -- 200Mb
CALL sa_server_option ('RequestLogNumFiles', 5 ); -- retain 5 log files of 200 Mb, thus it needs 1000Mb on disk
CALL sa_server_option ('RememberLastStatement', 'YES');
- SAP IQ 16.0
- SAP IQ 16.1
SAP IQ 16.0 ; SAP IQ 16.1
global transaction; global commit; MPX; multiplex; TxnG; server ID; connID; , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , How To
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