You are trying to reschedule the Production Proposal XXX (XXX represents the Production Proposal's ID) by using the Reschedule Bottom-Up button. After performing the action there is no change in the system.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
1. Go to WoC Supply Planning.
2. View Products.
3. Show All Products by Selection.
4. Find and open ABC (ABC represents the Product ID).
5. Click on Document ID YYY in Supply and Demand List (YYY represents the Document ID).
6. Click on Open Material Flow.
7. You click on Reschedule Bottom-Up button and choose From Reference Document.
8. See that the date for Production Proposal XXX is not changed.
If you have firmed the Purchase Proposal that prevents it from any changes made.
The button Reschedule bottom up will work only for all Production and Purchase Proposals which are not firmed.
In order for the desired changes to take effect, you have to unfirm the Purchase Proposal.
Reschedule Bottom-up, Purchase Proposal, Firmed, Firm , KBA , reschedule bottom-up , bottom-up , firm , firmed , AP-PE-ORD , Production Order , How To