SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2570970 - Cannot run project with user-defined function - SAP Event Stream Processor


  • A Java program is implemented as a user-defined function that gets called via the "CREATE LIBRARY" CCL Statement.
  • When attempting to run the project in Studio, the project fails to run, in either the local cluster or the remote cluster, reporting:

The Cluster has encountered an error starting project udftester under workspace default.
Check the project logfile in trace or project working directory for possible cause.
Cluster error: Invalid action: [FAILURE:Application wait for status is started, but application current status is not started.][CODE:710096]

  • The project's esp_server.log file reports:

The project contains user defined functions (UDFs), while UDFs are disabled on this server. Since the UDF environment is not sandboxed, using UDFs can affect the stability of the server. To enable UDFs, set the "enable-udfs" option to true in the cluster configuration file.



SAP Event Stream Processor (ESP) 5.1


SAP Event Stream Processor 5.1


esp, streaming, processing , KBA , BC-SYB-ESP , Sybase ESP (Event Stream Processor) , Problem

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