An error is displayed when updating candidate status field in job application using any API integration.
<result> <jobStatus>ERROR</jobStatus> <message /> <objectEditResult> <id>###</id> <errorStatus>ERROR</errorStatus> <editStatus>NOEDIT</editStatus> <index>0</index> <message>Service Error occurred while update the jobApplication with the id : ###</message> </objectEditResult> <objectEditResult> <id>###</id> <errorStatus>ERROR</errorStatus> <editStatus>NOEDIT</editStatus> <index>1</index> <message>Service Error occurred while update the jobApplication with the id : ###</message> </objectEditResult> </result> </updateResponse> </S:Body> </S:Envelope>
Candidate status field on screen:
"Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental."
SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management
Reproducing the Issue
Run an API call to update the candidate status field (statusId) in job application.
The statusId field (candidate status), is configured in the job application template as a picklist field. As described in implementation guide, values auto-populate via the applicant status workflow set up in Admin Tools. However, the issue happens when the system does not have all the applicant status configured in the CandidateStatus picklist and an update call is performed on this field.
statusId standard configuration:
As described in the implementation guide if the data in this field will be managed via API, set up and associate a picklist with values exactly matching the applicant status workflow set up in Admin Tools. In other words, all the status configured for applicant status configuration must be added to the linked picklist in this field.
Here an example of a MDF picklist with some applicant status:
If the instance is still using the legacy picklist, all the status must be configured in the picklist file as shown above for MDF.
SFAPI, Odata, upsert, candidate status, statusID , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM , Recruiting Management , Problem